Issue 84
Plus, The Latest AI Developments In Love, Amazon A-B Tests, And Getting Copyright Right.
Fewer things make me happier than a site dedicated to music visualization (my son wins the race but only by a whisker).
Transitioning seamlessly into creepy stuff is never easy, but I found a few articles that unpack the myths around AI and sexuality. It turns out there are fewer robots involved, more algorithms but still more than enough stereotypes to go around. If you're curious about how biases are implanted in algorithms, then the process of teaching a sex-bot to be more masculine is an interesting read.
Plus, there's the usual grab bag of great tools, design links, and what happens when you become a millionaire. All pretty standard really.
🕸️ The Cool Side of the Web
This is a great map of music genres. 🎼
One of my favorite music visualizations yet; zoom in for the micro-genres and their connections to each other. The site includes definitions of every genre with playlists to help you shake the funky house from its foundations.
Why is bad to love avocados? This textual analysis on Millenials and the things they [verb] is insightful.
Every generation has its moment in the firing line, but with the growth of publishing millennials seems to get it worse than preceding generations. Some of the headlines are brutal. I mean, if you want a vacation take a bloody vacation.
Hug a millennial today. 🤗
Capture the flag.
A beautifully made site with detailed analysis, historical and aesthetic, of flags.
🤖 Robots et. al.
You are already having sex with robots.
The title feels like the setup to a joke from Henny Youngman, but the article is much better than that.
It looks into the ways we are using AI as part of sexual experience. A few myths are dispelled, like sex robots aren't a thing, to show how common AI-ntimacy is becoming. It covers a lot of ground from AI Instagram influencers to apps to show how AI is shifting the way intimacy is experienced.
The apps are also covered in this article about an oral sex robot which uses deep learning to improve.
If you're not quite ready for AI-ntimacy, then Tinder is betting an apocalypse game can help you find the perfect partner..
⚒️ Tools and Resources
If you've ever spent time searching through old documents for a unique text string, then APSE could be the tool for you.
From the maker:
Apse automatically captures text from your screen as you use your computer. It saves you a copy, so recalling it is at your fingertips.
Pretty things with code: Paper Quilling Art Generator. ♾️
I was never, ever, good at origami, or paper planes because I have neanderthal hands. This project is right up my alley, you can make different quilling patterns with a few clicks of the ol' mouse.
🕷️ Design & Development Arena
Nothing is better than an incongrous mashup: fonts as football kits.
The Kickstarter is here. You can get a comic sans jersey for your favorite designer.
Amazon teased us with an A-B test of a two column layout recently. This is a forensic dissection of it. 🧮
Make it red, red is strong.
A great guide for you to give to the marketing folk about color, psychology, and why it doesn't always have to be red.
🤔 Articles of interest
Fascinating look into how the NSA hacked a bunch of ISIS accounts. 🖥️
Joint Task Force ARES operators started making all those things that drive you crazy about today's technology — slow downloads, dropped connections, access denied, program glitches — and made it start happening to ISIS fighters.
What really happens when you become an overnight millionaire?
That's it for the week.
As usual, you can send me links on Twitter.
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Have a great week,