Issue 78
Liquidfun might be stretching it with the liquid bit, but the fun is spot on. ⚗️ People are using voice notes to pre-screen their date's personality.
Last week, we had a look at Butts, the tool for adding bottoms to your design. Here's the case study.
This week, we also have a couple of links about new ways to screen your dates. These are the kind of links that really make you appreciate your spouse/partner.
We've also got moving posters, UFOs, and a warez documentary. I love a nostalgic documentary which labels someone a Computer "Pirate". The quotes explain why he dun have no parrot.
Also, a few tools for an easier life, a new section including the best articles I've found while building my site, and Diablo.
🕸️ The Cool Side of the Web
Liquidfun might be stretching it with the liquid bit, but the fun is spot on. ⚗️
I don't know how they made this. Shake your browser to send "liquid" crashing and careening around the window. I enjoyed it immensely tho and relieved my long-held ambition to violently shake a Lava Lamp.
People are using voice notes to pre-screen their date's personality.
This one got me nostalgic for the period when I was working in China. My wife and I would send long missives to each other about the things we were doing.
If you're in the market for love, and you don't want to do the screening yourself, then check out Wingbot which uses voice recordings to find your perfect match. If you're Australian, and over a certain age, then you will remember Dexter handled matchmaking some years ago.
The sanctity of this place has been...freshened. Play the original Diablo online. Now.
It has the shareware version and the full version (if you have the original DIABDAT.MPQ lying around your desktop). What better way to prepare for Google Stadia's release in November?
You too can teach your child to beatbox using everyday words. 🎤
🤩 Visually Pleasing
A timelapse map of UFO sightings since 1910.
Before torrents we had warez sites. If you remember these incredibly shady sites, then you might enjoy a short video celebrating their art. 📦
Some very cool design in these animated posters from around the world.
⚒️ Tools and Resources
Let's take playgrounds back! This is a great way to visualize and play with CSS transformations. 🤪
It's really easy to get started and you get sliders for all of the different indices. Play with the perspective, the skew, the scale until you like what you see.
Then output the code.
Batch Watermark is incredibly easy, incredibly free, and interesting.
Covering all vectors! Covering all vectors! ✴️
Paaatterns is a handy collection of patterns free for commercial and personal projects. Both png and svg are available for the price of your email address.
A tool to help you better match fallback fonts with real fonts.
This is really cool if you would like to avoid that jarring, glitch?, that happens when fonts switch during page load. You know that moment where everything goes all Fight Club before snapping back into alignment.
🕷️ Design & Development Arena
*Medium warning*: Here’s why you should write and design by hand. 👌
Font Awesome are living up to part of their name with icons that are awesome.
9/10 dentists will tell you that these Duotone icons are, in fact, scientifically developed for awesomeness. I really love the color controls.
I saw this slightly late, but an animation handbook can't be bad. 🌱
🏗️ Site Building
My new website is slowly coming together and I am looking for the best transactional email options.
This is a thorough test of all the players in the market. I was looking for the best combination between good free plan for starting out-good feature set-affordable plans when I needed them. Easy, right?
I am pretty comfortable with WordPress and setting up a domain but I used this checklist to make sure I didn't miss anything.
You can always throw links at me on Twitter.
Forwarding is the new way to get dates; forward this on.
If you haven't joined the crew yet, then you can do it here.
Have a great week.