Issue 77
The Boris Johnson style guide. 🏉 Poolside.FM is an online radio station which plays 80s summer vibes. Get the neon zinc on your nose, a bucket hat, and let's chill.
Captain Picard is the superior officer, and that's why his return is marked with an awesome trailer.
In other great news, we have maps of the greatest movies & the return of the gradient. I also found other great design tools, like how to get the elusive, perfect butt for your web design projects. If you're building a site, then I have some great guides for you (I am building mine this week...for sure).
🕸️ The Cool Side of the Web
The Boris Johnson style guide. 🏉
A nice website which reminds me how disturbingly similar my 2-year son is to Boris Johnson. That ruffled hair, those blue eyes, that command of Latin...
Poolside.FM is an online radio station which plays 80s summer vibes. Get the neon zinc on your nose, a bucket hat, and let's chill.
Handcrafted maps to cinematic treasures. 🗺️
Amazing maps covering, some of, the greatest movies of all time. They even have a legend so you can follow the path of the Stay Puff creature on its marshmellowy road to destruction.
⚒️ Tools and Resources
A collection of beautiful round butt illustrations for your next web design project.
If you need these for a project, then be sure to send the link my way when it is done.
It's been quiet for 2019's web design trend but it's making a lot of noise in the gallery of gradients.
Bash Infinity is a framework for writing tools using, you guessed it, Bash. 👊
Also, if you say "Bash infinityyyyy" you can kind of sound like a fighter from Street Fighter.
Some very, very nice smooth scrolling animations for images and their friends.
🕷️ Design & Development Arena
Be the spider, not the fly, and take control of the web. The Mutable Web tells of how one user used Stylus to make his Twitter feed more personal. 🕷️
The complete A to Z-index with a bunch of data on web design's most lovable scamp. 📇
Making a mini Black Hole with Javascript.
Improve your React app with this guide. ✔️
🥇 World of WordPress
This is the week when I start up my blog again. Naturally, I have been procrastinating quite a bit. This is the best guide to building something great. ✍️
I bought my domain, set up my hosting, and, as previously mentioned, I am starting that blog this week.
🤔 Articles of interest
Amputee can feel objects again with prosthetic arm inspired by Luke Skywalker.
Actually....not to nerd out but the mechno-arm was designed, built, and patented by one Anakin Skywalker esq. So, technically it should be the Vadar Arm or something.
In other great medical news, we might one day be able to great artificial throats to help non-speakers. I say we but my involvement was not measurable, but I like to celebrate convergence.
How to handle trash like a hipster: vape it. ♻️
Just to be clear, they are proposing we vaporize trash and use the gases to make new things. Don't smoke your trash juice.
👩🚀 Space
Physics professor gets to the tough questions: How long with it take to ride your bike to the Moon? 👨🚀
The one flaw in his equations is the absence of the baseball/footy card in the spokes variable. That's what makes the engine sound.
Sharing on Twitter and flinging links my way is a great way to use Twitter. I am here if you'd like to share anything.
Forwarding email newsletters to friends is also a popular pastime where I am from. Feel free to send this email on.
If you need to sign-up, then you will find the form here.
Have a great week,