Issue 59
The safest way to combine desire and confusion. 🔉 Awesome Kickstarter Project: Portable speaker made from plastic waste. ♻️
Welcome, Spring!
All the links seem better once Spring kicks in; the sun is back from hiatus and you can finally see the smog on the horizon again.
It was a great week for links, but I exercised link self-control (which sounds like 50% surprise with a mixture of awe, contempt, and realization). I found a bunch of fun things to do on the internet, some creative icons, great tools, and the easy way to Dali up your landing page.
Finally, if you could pick one animal to mind-meld with, which would it be?
🕸️ The Cool Side of the Web
The safest way to combine desire and confusion. 🔉
This is an interactive map that accurately conveys the sounds we make to express our emotions. It works with a rollover but you can click and drag the audio points to create new sounds. It gets extra points for the formulas which tell you exactly how much of each emotion go into making the sound. For example, at a certain tone embarrassment is 8% ecstasy.
*Probably best if you use headphone when in the office. Things can get a little bit crazy with this one.
Awesome Kickstarter Project: Portable speaker made from plastic waste. ♻️
Experiment with animating type in space: create cylinders of type, stripes of type, and fields of type.
Seriously funky.
My favorite is the hoops preset for the cylinder because it has the most hypnotic quality of them all. You can emphasize this with changes to X-Y for each of the elements. It's like a lava lamp with words. Words, Jerry. Words.
The Gyllenhaal Experiment tests your ability to spell difficult celebrity names.
⚒️ Tools and Resources
Very cool icons reflecting the biggest world's biggest cities with their landmark. 🌆
Basically, I included it because Asia/Oceania has 29 icons.
But, as an Australian, I am not sure how Canberra gets an icon but Madrid doesn't. I'll take the win for Oceania but I don't feel good about it.
Absurd Design brings free Surrealist drawings to your landing page. 🍳
Once you have them in place you will be ready to write Surrealist CTAs. That would be fun.
Help yourself prepare for catastrophe with Docker images of nightly Node.js builds.
A bunch of pre-built animations for React projects. 👌
When I see how often I click on links with "pre-built" in the title I feel 65% sadness + 18% awe + 8% distress + 9% shame.
I admit I included these creative loading indicators just for the elves. Never stop loading.
🕷️ Design & Development Arena
A comprehensive (and honest) list of UX clichés.
It's always entertaining to read about client work and red flags. 🚩
A bunch of famous logos made in the Bauhaus style.
Some of these are really, really good. You can't argue with the winner but honorable mentions to:
Burger King #808 by PonomarevDmitry.
National Geographic #1307 by or_range.
WhatsApp #1323 by Hawnit_Studio.
🧠 Tech Minded
[Long Read] How a text message gets from one phone to another. 📝
Humans control rats with their brains...Because sometimes science just has to be sexy. 🐀
And just like that, the first issue of Spring is done.
We always have room on Twitter for links, suggestions for Surrealist CTAs, or guest editor submissions.
Forwarding is a free and easy way to collect karma. If you feel like forwarding, then go for it.
If you arrived here after receiving an aforementioned forward, then join up here.
Until next week,