Issue 51
Chinese tv is putting together an anime on the life of Karl Marx. 👱 And, Karl Marx looks goooood. Seriously, was Marx that good looking? Pref is a street artist who is now king of 3D wording
Well, the 6 months of Christmas and New Year's are done. Now, we can relax until we have the 3 months of Easter.
This week, Chinese tv has something nice for you, and Karl Marx, in 2019. We also have the usual MIT shenanigans and, for good measure, hacker shenanigans. Wax hands will be the new jazz hands. They look spectacular.
As always, I've included some cool tools and some amazing websites (one word: stats).
🕸️ The Cool Side of the Web
Chinese tv is putting together an anime on the life of Karl Marx. 👱 And, Karl Marx looks goooood. Seriously, was Marx that good looking?
Next up, an album of Khrushchev's power ballads.
Pref is a street artist who is now king of 3D wording.
Say what you will about demonic corporations when their logos are hand drawn it's delightful. ✍️
This game reveal teaser is better than a hot cup of coffee for getting you up and trembling at 2 am.
Seeing Theory is a teaching tool that makes statistics...coooool. 😎
I did one-click 100 coin toss, and dice roll at least a hundred times. OddlySatisfying.
⚒️ Tools and Resources
Photopea is a freemium, advanced image editor built with JavaScript. 📷 Prices start of $9/month, but this is mainly for ad removal. The options are extensive; Warp, Gaussian blur, Liquify, Free Transform and so on.
Seriously, if you know anyone who pirates Photoshop, then send this link.
Feel free to add your own judgy tone as necessary.
If you saw infinite steps in real life you'd panic. Seeing them in CSS is mesmorizing.
It made me think of some scenes in Super Ghosts & Ghouls on the SNES mini. I lifted this one from CodePen's 100 most ❤️ pens of 2018.
Jeffsum is a text placeholder generator inspired by famous Jeff Goldblum monologues.
There's nothing from 'The Fly' which is a relief.
And, a travesty.
Blobmaker helps you make controllable blobs for your website. 🔴
Twenty-five useful thinking tools. 🤔
If you're interested in playing with thinking, then I am toying with Oblique Strategies first devised by Brian Eno and Peter Schmidt. I've been using this website to get started.
I miss Daria, so this CSS version hit me right in the feels.
🕷️ Design & Development Arena
Writing CSS with accessibility in mind.
Gotta be honest, I love that it opens with a note on available translations. Much, much love.
I worked through the series over the last week or so, and it is one of the easiest ways to learn how to make CSS more accessible.
This is also the resource you should throw at anyone who needs to be converted to accessibility.
*Please don't throw a monitor at anyone.
Deep traffic is a deep reinforcement learning competition from MIT. 🏎️
The goal is to create a network that drives multiple vehicles through traffic at the fastest pace possible.
It wouldn't be an MIT project if there wasn't element of danger and irresponsibility.
🥇 World of WordPress
A list of 14 dev tools that really didn't get enough love over the past year. 🛠️
This is a great tutorial for beginners on how to handle those missing images on your website.
🧠 Tech Minded
Hackers are now using 3D-printed heads to unlock phones. 💆♂️
Proving that hackers are innovative, they also used a fake wax hand to fool vein authentication security.
DeepSqueak uses AI to translate what rodents are saying during drug experiments. 🐁
"I'm telling you, the moon is made of cheese. We need to get to the moon, man."
Taking one Oblique Strategies card at a time:
You can only make one dot at a time. True of many things; like Tweeting. You can Tweet interesting things in my direction here.
Trust in the you of now. If the you of now is saying forward; then trust you and forward.
Once the search has begun, something will be found. If the sign-up page is what you are looking for, then step right this way.
Remember: don't smell the cheese. Chris