Issue 39
What podcasts are you most enjoying right now and why? 🔊 1848 die vergessene revolution.
If you like podcasting then the huge Reddit thread is a gift. I've also found some cool uses of the parallel image slider. A couple of cool tools and code from a prehistoric bear from the Pleistocene epoch.
The best sites for productivity music which you can use to exploit the fonts of fontly wisdom found within.
Enjoy :)
🕸️ The Cool Side of the Web
What podcasts are you most enjoying right now and why? 🔊
I wasn't quite sure where to put this one, but it has enough ten to be tenuously linked to web culture. Its a long thread with over 16k comments, but I found 3 new podcasts within a few minutes.
So, I'm happy. All this at a time when podcasting jobs are disappearing.
1848 die vergessene revolution.
Pretty Cool
Map of the 1848 Austrian Revolution with drawings and contemporary images you can switch between with a slider. These image sliders are all the rage right now. I also saw these parallel portraits from the 2 Koreas.
How does space exploration impact your daily life? 🚀
Zoom Zoom
A cool website showing the impact of space research on everyday life. Search through the household objects with an interstellar heritage. Personally, I would have loved to see a shuttle in the garage or something.
📊 Beautiful Data
Map of the most profitable industry in each U.S. state. 🗺️
⚒️ Tools and Resources
Snake Wave is mindless, hypnotic fun. 🐍
A Very Charming Snake
You can make adjustments in the amplitude, velocity, and length of the wave to create a really funky snake. Kind of like Newton's Cradle with code.
Prod blocks time wasting sites, so you get more done.
Chrome Only
The sites will be re-opened once you check off everything on your to-do list. I'm on Firefox so I can still watch Twitch streams all day long.
Animated search form with micro interactions.
Bold Design
I actually went "ooooh" went I looked at it.
Domain Wheel is an awesome name generator. 🎡
Next Gen
I used this for finding my new domain name recently. Well, it was one of the five I used, but Domain Wheel returned the best results.
If you're interested in a domain then also check out this article on the best registrars.
Yeti hand pagination.
Dude doesn't even have pants, yet he (huh? huh?) can write code?
🕷️ Design & Development Arena
Imagify vs WP Smush vs ShortPixel: Which is best for optimizing images?
World Of WordPress
An in-depth review of 3 popular image optimization plugins, and how well their free plans will cover you.
Color Leap will give you the best color pallettes since 2000BC. 🎨
It uses samples from the art that was the style at the time, and then gives you a pallet. For me, the best eras are 1920s or the 1950s.
An analysis of the fonts used by the best startups on Product Hunt.
Dollah Bills
If you're looking to make a change in your fonts, you should also take a peak at this checklist for increasing font performance.
🌩️ Eat lightning - Productivity
Listen to the clouds. ☁️
Stick Around For The Ambiance
When I first started wearing headphone in the office I thought it was amazing; much time for podcasts, classic rock, and Timberlake. And it was amazing.
I never got any work done, but, hey, at least it was very low quality.
I've read that lyrics, or indeed anything too engaging, is toxic for productivity, so I moved towards those awesome beats channels on YouTube. I think these ambient sound sites are even better.
Ander's recommended Listen to the Clouds which is cooler than icy cucumbers. If you find it too engaging, because it's hella cool, then I've also got some rainy stuff for you.
HipsterSound recommended Rainbow Hunt which is a nice collection of rain sounds similar to Rainy Mood.
There's actually quite a bit happening in the field of productive music; I also snagged a lifetime subscription to whose team is doing a lot of research into music and the brain.
🙃 Backwards talking dreams - Fun stuff
These creatures from Russian myths and fairy tales will make everything clearer. 😨
No Sleep For You
That's the week done, a little bit shorter because the web's not really trying anymore.
I always welcome links, in both raw and cooked forms, so feel free to sling them my way on Twitter.
Forwarding is a good way to store up karma, so forward this on to your friends and relatives.
We're always happy to have a deep bench, so join the team here if you are a forwardee.
Until next week, don't stop a-rockin'