📰 From the Newsroom
Flying cars are coming. So, we're going to have flying cars soon. Uber says by 2020 you'll be able to drivly (drive + fly) to Dubai from Dallas. Cures parking malaise.
NVidia uses a GAN to create HD photos of fake celebrities from a database of real celebrities. Awesome and creepy at the same time.
🕸️ The Cool Side of the Web
Update your Slack status to with Star Wars emojis. Moan like Chewie with every message.
E-mail scammers are arguably the worst of all internet phenomena. Finally, a bot that will engage with them to waste their time. Plus good for giggles.
Finland is leading the world here. We need to see more emojis based on nation's stereotypical visions of themselves. Metalhead emoji is sweet.
👩💻 Misc Tech
The new Firefox is faster, slicker and slimmer. They forgot younger.
Randomly insult Bash users when they enter the wrong commands. Tested and recommended. One of our back-end guys left early.
😱 Slightly Terrifying
Possibly the best use of SVGs we've ever seen. Image placeholders that look great with a low payload. Gorgeous
Shortcuts for the needy. Amazing collection of shortcuts for design and development. Bookmark for future reference.
User satisfaction is a minefield. Fast sites lower bounce rates, but new studies suggest that they also seem incompetent. If something was done quickly then it can't be done right.
🔖 Nice work if you can get it
Broadcomm are pitching woo in Qualcomm's direction. Qualcomm's board said they'd like to see more commitment than 105 billion USD.
👩🚀 Space
This is kind of nice. An infographic (they're so hot right now) that represents a digital marketing agency in Lego form with some cute descriptions.
Lego again? You bet. Indiana Jones with Star Wars Lego. Simpler times when tearing man's heart from his chest was acceptable fare for children.